breathe in

so you want to know more about me? or you just came here because i sent you? anyhow, you will be enlightened with this information

this "odd" page is not a real good account of who i am, as most would know. you cant express emotion, accent, or language well without real [not online] communication.

i wouldnt have started this page but due to high demand *note sarcasm*. i decided to put this thing together.... it started off shaky and turned quite appealing, i see.

and since youre here, you can learn about my library of ideal men to write about. also ive got fetishes .... people like Rufus Wainwright

  • where? san diego, CA USA - a place in the americas where suburban living contains low amounts of crime. our schooling is pretty good, music programs excellent, only 2 hrs south from legendary KROQ city, Los Angeles - City of Lost Angels, from hell.
  • auto? 94 honda accord EX - my baby. adorned with ratty stickers, wow, the expression! i once hit a mailman with this car. its done me a lot of great deeds. and has been my accomplice in denting mail trucks.
  • background? raised on rice, pseudo-intellectual who enjoys unhealthy obsessions
  • hobby? music my saviour from many bores, but my promoter of evil deeds, sketching, ballet - in my memories of the 11 years of hell, but good exercise. ive been told that i couldve been a model. i really could have, but i stopped dancing. and that kills all of us
  • education? i hope to achieve a doctorate in cognitive science one day. as a psuedo-intellectual, i was brought up in a very study-minded household- my parents both college graduates, my father a senior electrical engineer, both my brothers Computer Science- Electrical Engineering students in rigorous courses, and me, a girl who once started on the right track but has since degraded myself to something quite less of that.
  • religion? none yet, although i have been persuaded. check out in the religion section about my deals with God.
  • travel? most of the world except europe and africa. i have explained this further in the Miscellany section. [please please take me to iceland one day]
  • i have a family- a dysfunctional one to say the least. it has treated me well, especially in the frightening diseases we all have. im not joking.
  • i like and dislike several things.... at my misc page miscellaneous [excuse my spelling if there are any errors]
  • i have some friends, or acquaintances, or people i know... some bastards, some loyal followers, some idols, some talkers, some real friends
  • if youre dying to see me [and i know you are] take a look at my evolution
  • and proud of it. join the v team! [if youd like to stay away from genital warts and chancres]

  • link to me music links home pictures writing guestbook
    last update 13 June 1999