wads life of horrors

oh look, another new welcome message
a new mindset
and in the meantime
love, love, lust
ive provided some links to my pages.

visit them if youd like

new additions and updates 13 June 99

Disclaimer: none taken. take all youd like, have fun while it lasts. My deepest grievances for those with slow connection or low viewing area on you monitors, but these damned geocities "pop-ups" will have to stay until i move out of their domain into one of my own. but of course i dont have the money to keep one, and im not imaginative enough to create a name for myself anyway, so again, my deepest apologies. If you'd like to get rid of those Java pop-ups for the duration of your visit, i recommend editing your browser's 'preferences' menu and turning off Java altogether. Love.... if im not artistic enough for you, im sorry. time is everything, and i avent got the time to waste making this page suitable for anyones taste. its sort of a self-confession.

link to me


and to go home just press my target [a jonnyarse] :-P
jonnyarse to home

last update 13 June 99
*originally born 12 Jan 1997 but was destroyed by its own drivel*

link to me music links home pictures writing guestbook

since 5 Jan 1999