On Renaissance

Im not trying to disturb anyone anywhere, so just take this as commentary and dont come running to me about digression

Todays topic is Ideal Men. or a fraction thereof. before i get into details, i will describe my few disclosed recipients of this nomination: one fantasy, one fiction, one fetish, and one real.

Alex James [pic]
Bass player of Brit pop band blur. Essentially intellectual and fag-smoker. Lover of French wines-cognac, smelly cheeses, and shagging whatever he wants. claims to be too beautiful for a lot of people. chemistry, french, physics A-levels. self-involved sophisticated model lookalike. has bras thrown to him on stage. bird lover, dark brunette, writer of Brighton rock

Brian Slade [pic]
although a fictional character, one of high quality. i dont know why im putting him on this list because hes someone i would want to know. someone id hate to have around. but hes an idol. i wish he were a real person. a legend. he was [in Velvet Goldmine] a beautiful glam-rock singer of the 70s.... brought into action and destroyed by the media. or perhaps destroyed by himself. i ask myself again: why is he ideal? his ability to attract others, to sing, body in a unitard, blonde but original dark brunette, bisexuality.

Rufus Wainwright [page]
Since I bought his self-titled album, I have discovered my new fetish: talented, beautiful gay men. Of course, it is another dark brown-haired artist with dazzling styles and just amazing hair. Who wouldve tought he enjoyed heinekens, true holland? and he can belt out his brilliant voice tirelessly for a whole "popera" concert with beautiful melodies and complex harmony. his demeanor as an artist allows him to be lax in concert, with his never-repeated jokes and comments. oh the wonderful world of rufus- i wish i could be in the same place, with a beautiful voice, love of music, and great hair.

Neil Forrester [page]
Why is he an ideal man? A real talking person? It is the renaissance style that puts a person in the exemplary mode. It is intellectualism, perseverance, satire, attractiveness. His influence on young'uns to pursue a career in cognition with a doctorate. Brit cynicism and sarcasm used in the slyest manner. Blonde but original brunette. what kind? Intellect, intellect, intellect, music.

in conclusion, my quest has brought me to believe that intellect, beauty, music, paleness, and background give someone ideal qualities. excuse my biases, but tis true- looks get you places many a time. according to most studies. and my quest lead me to believe that the ideal person comes not from the land of backwardness. He should root in the historical foundations of modern society, sing, and not join the defense military.

But of course, these famed heroes ive mentioned are just ideal. not anything real, i suppose. my fantasy character lives in a world of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. my fictional character isnt tangible, even though he influences many. my new fetish lives with his mother in Montreal. my real character lives overseas and in a life on the net, music, study? i dont want to invade privacy. thats a fear of mine, so id rather not trespass without knowledge or start stalking. its unhealthy. SO! lets get on with this.

these are ideal men.... for one of many reasons that i know my adolescent advanced intellect is withering away. i can feel it sucking away form me. i was once a girl of high intelligence, but from these years in secondary school, i can feel my integrity loosening. or is it just my stress in life? i cant tell, but until my quest is over, i wont be solved.
note 14 Dec 98: i read this in a message sent to someone: "celebrities are people who we want to be like--ideals of perfection that we want to attain." is this true? some in my case.

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last update 13 June 99