how do i live

an ode to a dysfunctional family

These are the youngest members of my family, Tiger and Inky. I know you dont really care, but Tiger is a pain to take care of, and Inky is a really stupid cat that enjoys succulent moths and swallowing strings that come out of her arse. inky's dad was also her grandpa, if youre interested in incest. also, Tiger was born in '85. she is gonna croak soon, but she is a very wild cat. she is loving, but she hates me. now about Inky: she is very retarded even though she can open doors. what a wanker. both of them. i dont recommend getting cats if you dont have them already. sure they are loving, but they sure as hell smell bad.
These are my two brothers, James and Albert. James goes to UCSD and Albert goes to Berkeley. I won't rat on Albert cos its not nice... Jimmy beats me up sometimes. he lifts weight too much. its not healthy to get disgusting veins on your biceps is it? albert got the math geek of the century award an had an obsession for the Highlander movie/Tv show. Duncan Mcleod has a long ponytail. 'i am McLeod. from the Clan Mcleod. i will cut off your miserable little head now and take your quickening. haha you little immortal.'.... um.. nevermind
These are my parents.
Here's my mom feeling like speedy gonzales

This is me when i was wee little... hee hee (i was cute, wasn't i?)

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last update 10 December 1998