preach to me

hmm let me think. okay i will write about religion. if someone wants to differ with me, please do. i dont have much training with religion, so if what i am going to say is wrong, please tell me. and please tell me what is right. i have so many things to say that are NOT very organized. well i will start off with the whole idea of religion. and again, i am not trying to denounce ANYONE's religion. im just offering a different approach.

when religion first started to spread through european culture in like the 1000's, it was conceived just so that people would have something to live for. that is what i got from my european history class. if i am wrong, remember, please correct me. well the peasants who had no rights nor property had nothing to live for, why should i work for my lord? why should i not commit adultery? why dont i just do whatever i want all the time, even if it is a crime? the code of rules by the bible told them what to do. it offered a place to end up after they died. it offered them something to work for and look forward to go. otherwise, they had no purpose in life. i guess thats what carries on today

religion in todays life is about the same i think. but we have different values than the people then. but soon people began to discover new areas in science. [hmmm these strawberries are sour. eck!] like how the earth was round and that the earth was NOT the center of the universe. the church denied all of this and said it was sacrilege.  they were wrong in the 1500s and they are repeating their mistakes again in the latter part of the century.  i mean evolution. evolution is almosty scientifically proven.  to deny evolution is like saying that there is no gravity in the universe. like Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe in Friends 'I dont believe in gravity'. its crazy!!!

if you have any ideas about how evolution can not be true, please tell me. because i know the 'monkey' aspect makes human beings look primitive, but we are. i can believe until death that we came from monkeys. i mean, look at some people today. LOTS of people in the 90s look like monkeys.  example: Liam Gallagher with long hair and a beard. he should be in a zoo! [actually when he is clean shaven he is an okay guy] and the darwin thing about the survival of the fittest and how we change to our surroundings. i believe all of that.

hmmm what else? oh yeah. the 'god made the universe' thing. i cant believe that one supreme being created the world in seven days. the evolution thing about how the world started out as a few atoms that changed over time is more believable. i mean, who created god? [also who created the atoms?] but anyway, i guess god could have created the atoms and thats okay. but praying to him? i think it is deism that says that god created the world, but is not continuously changing it. the world is like a clock. he made it, and is letting it run. [woohoo! blurs on the radio! even though i am sick of this song, it still makes me happy because i hear the great guys enjoy themselves] most philosophers of the 1700s and others were deists. they knew about science and the proof that it had.

oh and i will tell you of an experience i had at a church. i think it was one day at a summer bible study camp thing. we were learning about adam and eve and noahs ark and all that, but one day, they gave us a test. i didnt get one of the answers right, so one of the volunteers there called me up and took me aside. it was very freaky. the question i got wrong was 'what does it mean to pray?' and i didnt know the answer, so i faked it. i guess it didnt work. so the volunteer took me to this room. she asked me again what it means to pray, and i still didnt know the answer, so she said something like 'then you are going to pray with me NOW!!!' i was very very frightened. i didnt want to pray. i didnt know how to pray. i didnt know what to do. argh!! i was so confused and frustrated. i have rights you know !! i am an american citizen. i dont have to pray if i dont want to! i have a freedom for and against religion. i dont have to pray if i dont want to.  well she made me pray with her anyway. i was very angry angry ANGRY!!! i guess that is why i beg to differ about some parts of christianity. i mean, i didnt want to pray, but i was too young to stand up for my rights. i was a goody goody and did what the volunteer told me to do. i was angry, though. so i dont like to go to that church anymore. it scares me to go there, and i am forever scarred for the rest of my life because of that damn volunteer. i dont hate you, i just am abhorred by your religious practices. BA HUMBUG!!!!  

25 May 98

another addition to my collection of writings... another excerpt about religion from Inherit the Wind. i dont feel like giving a summary. just look.

[Lawrence, 85-86]

Drummond: Look, Mr. Brady. These are the fossil remians of a pre-historic marine creature, which was found in this very county -- and ehich lived here millions of years ago, when these very mountain ranges were submerged in water.

Brady: I know. The Bible gives a fine account of the flood. But your professor is a little mixed up on his dates. That rock is not more than six thousand years old.

D: How do you know?

B: A fine Biblical scholar, Bishop Usher, has determined for us the date and hour of the Creation. It occured in the year 4004 B.C.

D: That's Bishop Usher's opinion.

B: It is not an opinion. It is literal fact, which the good Bishop arrived at through careful computation of the ages of the prophets as setdown in the Old Testament. In fact, he determined that the Lord began the Creation on he 23rd of October in the year 4004 B.C. at -- uh,at 9 a.m.!

D: That Eastern Standard Time? (laughter) Or Rocky Mountain Time? (more laughter) It wasn't daylight-saving time, was it? Because the Lord didnt make the sun until the fourth day!

B: (fidgeting) That is correct

D: (sharply) The first day. Was it a twenty-four-hour day?

B: The Bible says it was a day.

D: There wasnt any sun. How do you know how long it was?

B: (determined) The Bible says it was a day.

D: A normal day, a literal day, a twenty-four-hour day? (pause, Brady is unsure)

B: I do not know.

D: What do you think?

B: (floundering) I do not think about things that ... i do not think about!

D: Do you ever think about things that you do think about? ... Isn't it possible that first day was rwenty-five hours long? There was no way to measure it, no way to tell! Could it have been twenty-five hours?

B: It is ... possible ...

... okay you see .... what you want to see. im not in the mood to explain. i realise the books not written against god, maybe its written to point people towards believing. but im not too intelligent now. good bye.

okay heres another topic: the purpose of life.

28 march 98

another day out in the rain.. i took SATs this morning, got confused by the verbal, and cant wait till the scores get sent out. and im typing away here just to kill time before i go to sleep. hold on, i will copy what i wrote to the RH mailing list. i dont want to type it out again.
this is what Catherine wrote:

> Ever feel so low you want to fucking kill yourself?

Subject: Re: (RH) I hope I choke...
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 10:48:39 -0800
To: Catherine Underhill

yes i do. especially after listening to the bends 24 times in
a row non-stop.

and then you look out the window and the clouds are crying
"why does this happen? where will i go? where will i go? "
.... you look out onto your neighbor's rooftop, and things
dont look better at all. all the shrubbery outside is full of
shite, trampled on by human contact, and the wind blows the
fruit of the earth away, and it blows to the ground.... it's
sorry for its own damn life. and it waits for you to pick it
up and replace it somewhere where no one cares anymore. NO
ONE gives a damn anymore.

thats how i feel most of the time. and then another scenario
happens and my life turns the other way again. but im still
in this rat race of love, school, and stress. WHY THE HELL am
i suffering through this? what is the problem with the damn

Catherine, is this what you go through too?

well anyway, i grow out of this feeling after a few days...
actually it took me three damn months to recover. and then i
go into this coma for another week. i feel suicidal. i feel
unconscious. i just feel fucking horrible.

then life turns better again. then its bitter, then i realise
i am all right. im heading in the direction i want to go in.
im a happy person.

well, most of the time.

now isnt that just nice?

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last update 10 December 1998