[an error occurred while processing this directive]EzLam - 06/14/99 03:56:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/cable/7722/musicbox.htm
My Email:ezlam@hotmail.com
Where are you from: usa

Hi, your site is so cool! I like it very much, please visit me and don't forget to sign my guest book!

[159] *stace* - 06/08/99 22:50:32
My Email:argyles80@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: good ?...luv 80's, swing, R&B, oldies, musicals,etc...luv music in general
Favorite Person: well, wouldn't want anyone to get jealous so...maybe i should just let this one go for now ;)
Favorite Link/Referred by: a little birdie told me
Favorite Food: pAsTa!
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it rocks...loved the sarcasm, pictures, and well...all of it...nice...very nice
Age/Gender: i'm a she-woman! 19
Where are you from: sAn DiEgO =)

hey there squirt! i must say-i'm quite impressed...loved it all. my my we have sure grown up. i remember when you used to come over and play...awh, the good ol days. now we're just bitter at all the lil kids runnin and screaming around in the streets..sheesh! anyway, just wanted to wish you the best of luck in the future, i'm sure we'll KIT. i'll be around if ya ever need anything (lil sis!)...have fun, behave, and CARPE DIEM! i'm proud of you!!! *it's all about the bAnAnA sLuGs! take care! cheerio.

[158] Christine D. - 05/08/99 13:55:38
My Email:OJeezTower@aol.com
Favorite Band: oooh, ask me later :P
Favorite Person: right now? Jeff Buckley.
Favorite Link/Referred by: on accident, really. looking for Rufus schtuff.
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it rocks, of course, because of the sexy crooner w/ the pompadour.
Where are you from: san diego

Lillian, just wanted to thank you for the Rufus pictures you gave me! They are FABULOUS! And i hope the tape i gave you was alright. If it was unsatisfactory then lemme know, ok? Anyway, you have an awesome site and you truely are an artist! Keep it p :) ~*~christine~*~

[157] Gwynne Myers - 05/04/99 00:42:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/4753
My Email:grahamcracker@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: BLUR!!!
Favorite Person: David Duchovny
Favorite Link/Referred by: you signed my guestbook
Favorite Food: mexican
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it's awesome...because... it just is!
Age/Gender: 14/f
Where are you from: Far Out in Magic America


[156] Jen - 04/23/99 04:28:26
My Email:jenboylan@earthlink.net
Favorite Band: Eels
Favorite Person: E of the Eels
Favorite Link/Referred by: magic
Favorite Food: tuna
Why my page sucks or rocks!: It is super rocking!
Age/Gender: I am 15 years old and a female
Where are you from: Southern California

I really dig your page. You have wonderful art. You also have the perfect man, Rufus Wainwright. I was at that very show! You also have pictures of kitties and you mentioned the Eels, my favorite band. Right On!

[155] Jon Spears - 04/08/99 15:39:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/9110
My Email:jonspears@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Smash
Favorite Person: Jerry Seinfeld
Favorite Link/Referred by: Geocities Search
Favorite Food: Pizza
Why my page sucks or rocks!: Because it's there
Age/Gender: 18/m
Where are you from: Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Keep up the good work. Come on over to my homepage and sign the guestbook. Thanks!

[154] Aaron Dudzik - 04/05/99 02:45:10
My URL:http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~dudzik
My Email:dudzik@rohan.sdsu.edu
Favorite Band: Enya
Favorite Person: My Father
Favorite Link/Referred by: Found you from a search on ICQ
Favorite Food: Any and all
Why my page sucks or rocks!: See comments
Age/Gender: 19 y/o Male
Where are you from: Sacramento/San Diego

i was searching through ICQ - and up popped your name... i checked out your web page and was rather impressed (though no words of mine could do it justice). your thoughts and descriptions are vividly expressed and i praise you for all of your hard work yo put into the development of this page. you're an amazing woman, with distinct beliefs and i congratulate you on all of your accomplishments, and give you my blessings for all that you have yet to become. like others have said before... perhaps some day o r paths will cross.

[153] Samuel Scott - 03/19/99 08:16:07
My Email:saminthebox@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: the Beatles
Favorite Person: EEk the cat
Favorite Link/Referred by: luck really
Favorite Food: chicken Amanda
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it is you being yourself
Age/Gender: 24/m
Where are you from: from Williamstown,WV living in Morgantown,WV (WVU)

nice page i sort of stumbled onto it. for reasons i cannot express, i am now actually "rooting" for you in your life. i see a sort of kindred spirit in you. maybe someday our paths will cross.

[152] Tovi - 03/17/99 16:30:31
My URL:https://members.tripod.com/~Tovi/
My Email:razzmatazz@davidbowie.com
Favorite Band: PULP
Favorite Person: Jarvis Cocker
Favorite Link/Referred by: your email signature
Favorite Food: can't decide
Why my page sucks or rocks!: cos you rock
Age/Gender: 17/female
Where are you from: new jersey

i'm tired

[151] *meep*...joseph (i'm shy about such things..) *sigh* - 03/12/99 08:56:21
My Email:new_zero@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: oh dear... lately, the lucksmiths, but also the boo radleys, the cure, echo and the bunnymen... *sigh* and heldon!
Favorite Person: um... richard pinhas?
Favorite Link/Referred by: altavista... it's silly really... *sigh*
Favorite Food: *thinking*...fried wontons?
Why my page sucks or rocks!: rocks!: pictures of kitties!! :) =^_^=
Age/Gender: 20/boy
Where are you from: chicago

so, a girl like you and an ever so lightly-skinned bass-playing lad like myself.... *sigh*... oh, nevermind... cheers

[150] Moseph Fitseff - 03/11/99 03:35:30
My Email:Moseph@geocities.com
Favorite Band: I like to listen to bands such as Major Momma Maskilador, or Jerry's kids.
Favorite Person: I enjoy the company of me, myself, and you inbetween
Favorite Link/Referred by: I found this page while I was looking for wild mongoose
Favorite Food: I enjoy eating cheese and macaroni
Why my page sucks or rocks!: This page sucks. Ha ha I said "sucks"
Age/Gender: I am 12.
Where are you from: I am from the upper side of Modesto

I enjoy this page. It makes me laugh like nothing else before. Not even OJ Simpson or Ronald McDonald makes me laugh like this page. I enjoy it. I wish you could post some pictures of animals or vegetables. I also think some more essays on nude bodie would be exciting. That is all. I applaud your efforts for creating a wonderful place to visit.

[149] Roger - 02/26/99 22:43:13
My Email:rogman@ucla.edu
Favorite Band: depends what mood i'm in
Favorite Person: depends at what time of day it is
Favorite Link/Referred by: don't got one
Favorite Food: depends on who she is
Why my page sucks or rocks!: um....not enough colors, so it sucks...hehe, j/k
Age/Gender: 19/male
Where are you from: Rowland Hts, CA

what up yo ? um....i'm signing this because it is something nice to do. so, what else is there to say ? it's nice and interesting...it'd be cooler if you could get some mp3s all up in here, and that's that.....

[148] Jason - 02/20/99 04:48:18
My URL:http://library.advanced.org/18258
My Email:jasona@san.rr.com
Favorite Band: I'll have to tell you in class for fear of public mocking =)
Favorite Person: Just one??? =)
Favorite Link/Referred by: ICQ
Favorite Food: Spaghetti
Why my page sucks or rocks!: Rocks!
Age/Gender: 18/M
Where are you from: SD

Hey Lil, cool web page! Looking good! If you ever need any help with something having to do with web design, let me know, I'll be glad to help! C'ya in physics! Ciao.

[147] amy - 02/16/99 22:34:58
My URL:https://www.angelfire.com/md/starsailgirl
My Email:popscene13@aol.com
Favorite Band: the verve!
Favorite Person: meee...no, um right now? the lovely JRM, woowoo
Favorite Link/Referred by: you signed my guestbook, returning the favor :)
Favorite Food: corn chowder, the best soup ever
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it rocks (rawks) because.. well, it just does.
Age/Gender: i'm 16 and i'm female.
Where are you from: somewhere near baltimore, md.

i'm finally signing your guestbook now! but your page is excellent, i love it (or lurrrrrve it, either way ;)). the whole thing is superb.. the drawings, writings, all of it! keep up the good work :)


[146] KEvAN - 02/10/99 06:20:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/5709
My Email:clownybits@geocities.com
Favorite Band: radiohead
Favorite Person: William
Favorite Link/Referred by: I found this page on the ground where I promptly picked it up and put it in my pocket, but then I decided to give it back in hopes that I would get a reward, but I didnt.
Favorite Food: I like to Eat Cabbage
Why my page sucks or rocks!: It rocks because it doesnt taste like apples
Age/Gender: 18 MALe
Where are you from: A monkey's uncle

Hi There Lillian. Or is it Lil? Well Since you so kindly signed my guestbook I will now sign yours. Your site is super duper. Nice use of Blue Background. I am very impressed.....especially with that one picture of you. Yes you know the one. No not hat one..the other one. I enjoy reading about furry spider monkeys. I also enjoy reading about what you think is an ideal man. When I look for men I also look for those attributes. Ok I think this message is long enough. Bye now. Guestbooks are so f n. I will sign it again some day.

[145] Jason - 02/05/99 07:10:18
My URL:http://www.cts.com/crash/jparsons/Index.html
Favorite Band: At this moment? blur
Favorite Person: George Lucas
Favorite Link/Referred by: from the Hut
Favorite Food: Orange Chicken
Why my page sucks or rocks!: It Rocks
Age/Gender: 20 and I'm male
Where are you from: San Diego

That picture of me with my hair sticking up is terrible! But that's cool cause I have a picture of you with the Quisps!! I made a fringe lovers pic for my site.. is that okie? it's Sophie... oh Sophie! Anyways see ya soon.. Jason.

[144] Vanja and M-Li - 02/01/99 18:19:11
My URL:https://www.angelfire.com/me/mushroompop
My Email:mushroompop@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Blur...
Favorite Person: Whaddya mean? Famous or what? Well... We'll say Dave (cos Vanja likes Alex and M-Li likes Graham and everyone else likes Damon)
Favorite Link/Referred by: You signed our guestbook!! Thanx for doing that btw.
Favorite Food: Not fish, that's for certain
Why my page sucks or rocks!: Rocks. It's cool so far.
Age/Gender: We're both 16 f
Where are you from: Sweden (ice... snow... cold)


You're a very talented artist. We're not gonna say "keep up the good work", everyone does, but that's mainly what we mean... And, yeah... You seem to have pretty good taste in music! Umm... Whatever...

[143] Lindsay (you know, the OTHER weird one...) - 01/28/99 04:55:40
My URL:http://members.spree.com/thearts/PseudoBrit
My Email:pseudobrit@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: just one?? ah dear... today it would have to be the dandy warhols. tomorrow will prolly be suede.
Favorite Person: this month, BRIAN MOLKO baby!!!
Favorite Link/Referred by: you signed my guestbook, figured it was common courtesy. yeah.
Favorite Food: ravioli stuffed w/ cheese in a heavy tomato sauce... *prrrrrrr*
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it's the drawings. & the dandy logos.
Age/Gender: age 16ish, gender female... sorta ;-)
Where are you from: terra firma

well, like it says above, you signed my g-book for crushed velvet (which is being moved because someone broke in & changed the password to it like they did my other page... *sniff!*) so i thought i'd come & sign yours. writing long, narcissistic messages good. high school bad. sorry, i cannot wear makeup or do anything feminine because (1) everyone i know would drop dead of shock, & (2) i don't like having more than 30 minutes of prep time in the morning. i'm weak, i know.... BUT, moving on, your draw ngs are really great! you have a

[142] Lindsay (you know, the OTHER weird one...) - 01/28/99 04:54:31
My URL:http://members.spree.com/thearts/PseudoBrit
My Email:pseudobrit@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: just one?? ah dear... today it would have to be the dandy warhols. tomorrow will prolly be suede.
Favorite Person: this month, BRIAN MOLKO baby!!!
Favorite Link/Referred by: you signed my guestbook, figured it was common courtesy. yeah.
Favorite Food: ravioli stuffed w/ cheese in a heavy tomato sauce... *prrrrrrr*
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it's the drawings. & the dandy logos.
Age/Gender: age 16ish, gender female... sorta ;-)
Where are you from: terra firma

well, like it says above, you signed my g-book for crushed velvet (which is being moved because someone broke in & changed the password to it like they did my other page... *sniff!*) so i thought i'd come & sign yours. writing long, narcissistic messages good. high school bad. sorry, i cannot wear makeup or do anything feminine because (1) everyone i know would drop dead of shock, & (2) i don't like having more than 30 minutes of prep time in the morning. i'm weak, i know.... BUT, moving on, your draw ngs are really great! you have a

[141] Lindsay (you know, the OTHER weird one...) - 01/28/99 04:53:50
My URL:http://members.spree.com/thearts/PseudoBrit
My Email:pseudobrit@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: just one?? ah dear... today it would have to be the dandy warhols. tomorrow will prolly be suede.
Favorite Person: this month, BRIAN MOLKO baby!!!
Favorite Link/Referred by: you signed my guestbook, figured it was common courtesy. yeah.
Favorite Food: ravioli stuffed w/ cheese in a heavy tomato sauce... *prrrrrrr*
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it's the drawings. & the dandy logos.
Age/Gender: age 16ish, gender female... sorta ;-)
Where are you from: terra firma

well, like it says above, you signed my g-book for crushed velvet (which is being moved because someone broke in & changed the password to it like they did my other page... *sniff!*) so i thought i'd come & sign yours. writing long, narcissistic messages good. high school bad. sorry, i cannot wear makeup or do anything feminine because (1) everyone i know would drop dead of shock, & (2) i don't like having more than 30 minutes of prep time in the morning. i'm weak, i know.... BUT, moving on, your draw ngs are really great! you have a

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link to me music links home pictures writing guestbook
last update 13 August 99