[183] Lily
- 24/08/99 019:57:29 My URL:Blur Chaps and Lads
My Email:lilybud@bigfoot.com
Favorite Band: right now, Rufus Wainwright [hes not reallly a band but a solo singer/songwriter] and the Cure [my past faves were radiohead, blur, longpigs, pulp]
Favorite Persons: my ideal men
Favorite Link/Referred by: my destructive mind
Favorite Food: right now... spinach
Why my page sucks or rocks!: because its mine, damnit!
Where are you from: San Diego, CA USA

dont get too scared

[170] Untzh - 08/06/99 05:02:39
My URL:http://users.oco.net/hliu/
My Email:hliu@oco.net
Favorite Band: them
Favorite Person: him
Favorite Link/Referred by: Polystyreneman's Lyrics Database
Favorite Food: that
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it **cks
Age/Gender: 18 m
Where are you from: my lonely guestbook needs a signing

you don't know me and i don't know you... oh well. don't mind me, continue rocking.

[169] natalie wong - 07/26/99 09:09:07
My URL:https://members.tripod.com/wweilatan
Favorite Band: jars of clay
Favorite Link/Referred by: you gave me the link, wad
Favorite Food: spin dip @fridays
Why my page sucks or rocks!: self-confessions are awesome
Age/Gender: 17f
Where are you from: here

wad you better talk to me after you return. hehe :) ttyl, like the page, o' course. visit me.

[168] lalalaini - 07/23/99 05:15:39
My URL:https://www.angelfire.com/la/lostchilde
My Email:elmocha@aol.com
Favorite Band: duh
Favorite Person: you!
Favorite Link/Referred by: my favorite link? http://www.uppermilton.freeserve.co.uk/donwood.htm
Favorite Food: spinach
Why my page sucks or rocks!: roks. the missing c makes it cooler ;P
Age/Gender: a 21 year old female girl
Where are you from: baltimore

dear lil :) i am so sorry i have managed to lose touch with you. i feel like it's been months since i've written, and now that i'm home from the hospital and have nothing but time, i have this huge long crazy thing to send that i wrote this afternoon... i apologize in advance! well your page is looking more beautiful than ever, you take care now dearest. laini xxx.

[167] Chris TABS - 07/19/99 00:54:17
My Email:Clark_Kent3@email.msn.com
Favorite Band: KRSONE/EPMD/Tribe Called Quest
Favorite Person: Albert Einstein/Billy Shakespeare/Robert Frost
Favorite Link/Referred by: www.twoey.com / you told me to come here
Favorite Food: spicy chicken sandwich at Wendy's
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it sucks b/c there's no nudity/ it rocks because well nudity isn't EVERYthing i guess
Age/Gender: 18 Male
Where are you from: NEW YORK (Strong Island)

Not a bad little site you got here, bud! see you NY home of the best clubs in the world.

[166] vsdg - 07/18/99 20:15:05
My URL:http://move.to/blur99
My Email:sdfg
Favorite Band: dsfg
Favorite Person: gfdsgs
Favorite Link/Referred by: fgsd
Favorite Food: gsdfgsd
Why my page sucks or rocks!: gsdgsd
Age/Gender: gsdgsd
Where are you from: sdgsd

go now support the blur must paly day upon day at reading campaign http://move.to/blur99 go

[165] Ariate - 07/18/99 10:53:28
My Email:etaira99@aol.com
Favorite Band: SP
Favorite Person: you
Favorite Link/Referred by: you
Favorite Food: spin dip... you know that
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it's about you (in response to both sucking and rawking)
Age/Gender: 17 female
Where are you from: earth

haha... hi lil. it's your partner in crime, christie. hope the livin' has been easy. see ya in the uk, babe.

[164] kirstin - 07/17/99 05:59:40
My Email:krdavid@snet.net
Favorite Band: rufus wainwright and ben lee, can not choose!
Favorite Person: rufus wainwright
Favorite Link/Referred by: through coreymarie
Why my page sucks or rocks!: you love rufus too!
Age/Gender: 17/f
Where are you from: ct

my friends used to pick on my love of rufus. i said i would marry him, then found out he was gay and began calling him my gay husband. he was the only person whose pics i had in my locker this having been my senior year and finding myself above the usua pictures. i had eight of him in there. everyone was like who the hell is that! i just laughed and said its my gay husband rufus. i got crazy looks. i love rufus forever!

[163] Ken Fung - 07/16/99 23:11:24
My Email:kfung@ucsd.edu
Favorite Band: Bauhaus
Favorite Person: Bruce Lee
Favorite Link/Referred by: it jumped out on my screen
Favorite Food: watermelon
Why my page sucks or rocks!: you made it
Age/Gender: 22/m
Where are you from: Kowloon

I don't remember seeing at UCSD before.

[162] Natalie Wong - 06/29/99 18:02:36
My URL:none, thank you
My Email:dnat@cts.com
Favorite Band: Jars of Clay
Favorite Person: TBD
Favorite Link/Referred by: duh, i christened your name, and you gave me the link later
Favorite Food: Chips w/ Spinach-Artichoke Dip
Why my page sucks or rocks!: It rocks cuz I like reading about you and I dunno, i can do details if you wanna ask me later
Age/Gender: 17F (hehe sounds like a size)
Where are you from: Sandy Eggo but actually born in the cornlands of DeKalb, IL

sorry I accidentally clicked enter before i was done last time! :) Anyway, Wad you have to call me whenever you get this message :) hopefully you'll still be in SD. Anyhow, i'll ttyl btw i like your page-it's tres interesting, always have thought so, always will... love, nat

[161] Natalie Wong - 06/29/99 17:58:35
My Email:dnat@cts.com
Favorite Band: Jars of Clay


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last update 13 August 99