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guestbook 121-140

[140] michelle - 01/10/99 22:20:19
Favorite Band: depeche mode
Favorite Person: david gahan
Favorite Link/Referred by: from u.
Favorite Food: er... pasta.
Why my page sucks or rocks!: because... it just does. (rocks.
Age/Gender: 16/f
Where are you from: california.

somehow, my guestbook isn't working. I'm just seeing if this works, because if it does, I've obviously doen something wrong with mine. oh yes... hi lily.

[139] Walking Abortion - 01/03/99 02:09:53
Favorite Band: Suede
Favorite Person: Bernard Butler
Favorite Link/Referred by: You signed a guestbook, I believe.
Favorite Food: Duck Embryos
Why my page sucks or rocks!: See Comment
Age/Gender: What's it to you?
Where are you from: Nowhere in particular.

Now, I was originally going to say that your site sucks big time, but that would be totally unjustified and inhuman of me, for if someone else were to leave the same message on my very own lame site, I would be heartbroken. So I'm going to congratulate yo on doing a good job, and no, your list of bands do not particularly suck (just as long as i don't see the word 5ive), even though all my favourite artistes are in your "intended-to-buy albums" category. The page is alright, even though I initially wanted to diss you for being a tad narcisstic. But hey, I can't slag anyone off for not saying "I'm ugly, don't look at me, fuck off" etc etc. Just don't mind my words, I'm just sore and old and bitter and I'll end up rotting somewhere. So cheers and all that ja z.

[138] *Lesley* - 12/29/98 01:03:49
Favorite Band: Blur...Pulp...Blur...Pulp...argh! I cant decide!
Favorite Person: If we're talking bout music, then tis Jarvis Cocker!
Favorite Link/Referred by: Posted on SMM
Favorite Food: Potatoes?
Why my page sucks or rocks!: You're page rocks dahling cos you've got guts to put up so many pics of yerself!
Age/Gender: 17 in 2 days!/Female
Where are you from: NYC

*Hey Lil! Nice page! I think we rock cos we're both Asians! Oh gosh, what a corney thing to say. Anyhoo, where are pics of that lovely-looking friend of yers, Jason?!?! Cheers! *Lesley*

[137] Lour - 12/27/98 17:36:50
Favorite Band: Soda Stereo
Why my page sucks or rocks!: Nice work, though the content is too Eurocentric for my taste.
Age/Gender: Female, 16
Where are you from: PA

Hi. As I said, the content could be less Eurocentric. Very aesthetic, though. Bye-bye.

[136] Noah Moskowitz - 12/14/98 03:53:49
My or Tim
Favorite Band: Slurv
Favorite Person: well, I shouldn't say
Favorite Link/Referred by: You told me to check it out!!!
Favorite Food: Carne Asada Fries
Why my page sucks or rocks!: It's cool b/c it is not your normal web page
Age/Gender: 19/male
Where are you from: I am from San Diego (MCHS alum), but i go to USC, Fight On Trojans!!!

Lillian is off the hook, so go and give her a ring. Anyways, Lillian, remember to go to USC because we are the best!!!

[135] Christine - 11/28/98 08:36:29
Favorite Band: MCHS/Thousand Oaks
Favorite Person: Um...Jo? Maybe Brian Chaddick or Mike Tong.
Favorite Link/Referred by: One Helluva long chain from the MCHS trumpet page
Favorite Food: Those little red-hot candy thingies
Why my page sucks or rocks!: I like it. It rocks because you dance ballet. You've got lotsa groovy pics too.
Age/Gender: I'm a 16 year old 'young lady' (My grandma keeps trying to convince me I'm a lady. I don't buy it.)
Where are you from: Thousand Oaks.

How come everyone from Mt. Carmel is so cool? Here in TO we're like vegetables. Or maybe that's just me.....It probably is, considering I'm in here @ 12:30 at night. Oh well. MC still rocks.

- 11/21/98 04:31:27


[134]erin--- moon_dancer_69 - 11/06/98 20:38:18
My Email:moon_dancer_69
Favorite Band: i like lots. no alternative. next, monica, brandy stuff like that
Favorite Person: meeee!!! and arthur and shane and billy. 3 of the most hottest guys in the world
Favorite Link/Referred by: some webring thingy
Favorite Food: pizza and brownies. (not together) i live on orange juice though
Why my page sucks or rocks!: i liked it but alot of the pics. pages r broken links and not found.
Age/Gender: 17/f but I like to say i'm 16. (don't ask)
Where are you from: WONDERFUL New York


Hi!!! I tHiNk ThAt YoU hAvE a ReAlLy CoOl PaGe. I rEaLlY eNjOyEd It. MaYbE, yOu CaN cOmE tO mInE aNd SiGn My GuEsTbOoK,ToO? pLeAsE? tHaNk YoU.jUsT tHe G-bOoK. tHaTs AlL i AsK.
{use this pic link if you like}.

[133]Belkeoki - 09/26/98 17:58:48
Favorite Band: Saviour Machine
Favorite Person: Who knows.....
Favorite Link/Referred by: From your damn destructive mind
Favorite Food: Pizza
Why my page sucks or rocks!: Everything
Age/Gender: 16/Male
Where are you from: Colorado

'sup, cool page, but I have a more destructive mind than you haha hah

[132]George Starkgraf - 09/24/98 01:08:42
Favorite Band: Saviour Machine
Favorite Person: Dunno
Favorite Link/Referred by: Found your page fromU
Favorite Food: PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why my page sucks or rocks!: Great pics
Age/Gender: 16/male, you don't need that.
Where are you from: Monument CO

Saviour Machine is christian gothic, yes that is possible.

[131]k.c. - 09/21/98 03:57:21
Favorite Band: me
Favorite Person: me
Favorite Link/Referred by: me
Favorite Food: me
Why my page sucks or rocks!: me
Age/Gender: me
Where are you from: me

memememememe hehe just j/k-ing. i'm offended by your nude page. i'm a nudist. i think you overdid it just a tad. anyhoo, johnny's butt still isn't as good looking at my bf's butt so there. =P he has a bigger butt than me u know that? otherwise he woul fit into my jeans just fine. scary thought. maybe he can fit into my underwear too. hmm... well he'd probably refuse to wear the butt flossing ones. VISIT MY PAGE! i updated it and shtuff. Working sucks. College sucks. Life sucks in general but hey, ive long and prosper anyway.

[130]jessie - 09/19/98 21:39:49
Favorite Band: blur and spiritualized...and kent!
Favorite Person: graham
Favorite Food: rhubarb crumble yougurt
Why my page sucks or rocks!: blur rules!You're ace!
Age/Gender: 21
Where are you from: sweden/London

hi friend! why don't you come over to london???!! I'll show you around! Here's where you can see all the stars you know!

[129]Allison Colleen Gladney - 09/19/98 21:28:22
Favorite Band: smashing pumpkins
Favorite Person: nick
Favorite Link/Referred by: Bando page!
Favorite Food: spam
Why my page sucks or rocks!: It's a good page. That's all I have to say.
Age/Gender: 18, F
Where are you from: San Diego, but at Sonoma State!

Cool page. Lillian To if you read this, hi. And Krista too. See you all at the tournament! i love band. ha. ha. ha.

Cindy - 09/09/98 10:57:59
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

[127]k.c. - 08/28/98 23:24:57
Favorite Band: it doesn't exist yet
Favorite Person: me of course
Favorite Link/Referred by: / um, you told me?
Favorite Food: squid jerky
Why my page sucks or rocks!: because
Age/Gender: 18 hahaha/f
Where are you from: my room

hi lillian have fun this year being section leader stay weird and cool and remember that life sucks and then you die you wicked sinner

[126]Dave KNIGHTHAWK Simpson - 08/24/98 23:29:28
Favorite Band: KMFDM
Favorite Person: Jane Fairywind Ulrich
Favorite Link/Referred by: Teen Ring
Favorite Food: Sushi
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it's asi-asi
Age/Gender: 19/m
Where are you from: Tirol, 3rd Moon of Fantoma


If you like anime, want more or just wanna learn a thing or too, come visit my site. It's full of: Links, pictures, information, files, and so much more for everyone to enjoy. Constantly being updated, it is a romp for all those who's imagination is big er than anything else. Need RPG materials? GOT THAT TOO! Everything and anything, all at your fingertips

[125]breeze - 08/21/98 02:07:03
Favorite Band: Eric Clapton
Favorite Person: Cher and Kim Bassinger
Favorite Link/Referred by: just looking
Favorite Food: filet minon
Why my page sucks or rocks!: have to check it out first
Age/Gender: 35/female
Where are you from: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


[124]Sergey - 08/08/98 22:45:54
Favorite Band: RADIOHEAD
Favorite Person: Thom and Jonny
Favorite Link/Referred by: ICQ lists
Favorite Food: beer
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it`s cool!
Age/Gender: 15/male
Where are you from: Ukraine

I love RADIOHEAD I love people

[123]Sergey - 08/08/98 22:26:39
Favorite Band: RADIOHEAD
Favorite Person: Thom and Jonny
Favorite Link/Referred by: ICQ lists
Favorite Food: beer
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it`s cool!
Age/Gender: 15/male
Where are you from: Ukraine

I love RADIOHEAD I love people

[122]Krista Melissa Metroyanis - 08/03/98 18:43:34
Favorite Band: there are so many... I'd have to say the Slackers,Skalars and sticking to my roots (punk),MXPX
Favorite Person: Betty Page... hehe jk
Favorite Link/Referred by: LILLIAN CHEN GAVE IT TO ME
Favorite Food: Spanikopita... don't ask
Why my page sucks or rocks!: it rocks because it does and there aren't enuf MOD BOYS!
Age/Gender: 18/F
Where are you from: San Diego...

Hey Lil! Finally, I'm signing you're webpage...I saw scream 2 last nite, it's so cheesy but hey.. wouldnt be a scary movie if it wasnt cheesy.. but I wasnt scared.. so anyways.. I read your page a long time ago.. and I was looking for a link today.. I did t find it.. i like your page tho.. i have to because i'm your friend.. thats just how it goes.. its not like you seriously are an interesting person or anything.... hehe I LOVE U MOD GURL... eww i hate it when people spell girl like gurl... sooo lillian.. since you're in BALTIMORE right now.. i cant talk to ya but i hope your having fun... i got your postcard... this is like a damn letter than a message for a guestbook but i dont care =) u just need to come back.. im going to cafe bleu with parsons this th rs... hurry and be 18... take it easy girl! KRIBISTABA

[121]KrAzYaZnGyRl - 07/31/98 19:51:13
Favorite Band: Ummm...their not really a band..Destiny's Child..(I don't listen to much alternative)
Favorite Person: my lil puppy poo Simbah..he's a cutie wutie!!
Favorite Link/Referred by: hehe...gotha connections;o)
Favorite Food: pickled crab apples
Why my page sucks or rocks!: rocks gyrl!!
Age/Gender: 14/f
Where are you from: Reppin' that 336 fron N.C

Sup?! Sup?! Nice page...very in depth..luv ur views on religion. Ummmmm....overall i enjoyed tha visit and was so glad tha paged didin't take hella long to load!! Keep it real gyrl...Buh-Bye! Come visit me sumtime....but I warn ya it's not much..dosen't e en compare to yours!!..;o)

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last update 18 March 1999