kill me

All Quiet on the Western Front:

[page 285]
my view?--i believe that to be one of the most moving passages of the book. Erich Marie Remarque is a marvelous writer. Although most of my friends think this book is terribly boring, i found it to be amazingly interactive. anyone who is anyone will read this book and learn an abundant amount of info about war and its morals. look at me, trying to be a critic. well anyways, i love this book. it moved my heart as much as alanis did when i heard 'perfect' and it can compare to the influence it has over me with Blur. what else can i say? well i deinitely know how it feels to be a soldier in any war, especially the Great War. the stereotype of today is that 'the germans were bad' or 'those germans only want war'. but that is totally bullshit. soldiers only follow commands.... paul baumer, the bravest soul i have ever encountered, is a man of strength, courage, and everything i need to have in myself to live. does that make sense? well it doesnt to me. i just am very surprised by how much i learned from reading this supposedly boring war novel. i recommend it to everyone everywhere.

okay heres an ugly paper i wrote in the summer after freshman year. note: i was an incoming sophoimore, and this was a MANDATORY assignment for acceptance into Honors Lit. i am not so dumb as to write it just for the hell of it. do you think im crazy? i know you dont really care, but i will post it anyway. All Quiet on the Western Front

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last update 10 December 1998