
Magic Mountain, 26-27 Sept 98

OK HAPPY BDAY KRISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay this is that picture you get when you first enter the theme park. its Krista, Jason, Me, and KeVAN.

the log ride thingy i think...... not a good idea on a cold day unless you enjoy those things :) .... the person in the front gets especially soaked. [ahem] the photographer of this pic was sitting in the front, as you can see :) ... anyway.... the pic is Krista behind me, then Kevan in Jason's lap. isnt that just a brilliant way to describe the pic?

im on the left, Krista is in the middle, and Jason is on the right..... We're at Wolfgang Puck on Sunset blvd next to the Virgin Megastore. fun, eh? dont you love the little sailboat on our table? kevan, you should join the picture! even though its a Brated restaurant, the foods not too bad

this is me and May-ann, waiting in line for superman!!!

this is Krista me and jason waiting for peopel to go to go to the bathroom before going into Magic mtn the first day :)


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last update 10 December 1998