A Confession

Question: what is my obsession with jonnys butt? i mean, who IS this person? and why am i so amazed by his butt? well here i will answer your question and maybe i will propose some to you.

Who is Jonny? hes a member of radiohead, to put it in the most demeaning way. no, actually, jonny is a human being, dammit! he's just depreived becasue of the superficialness of his type of culture he lives in. i mean, theres noithing superficial about him. he just lives in a world where he's supposed to be superficial. ok so anyway, jonny is just some regular old bloke of 27 yrs.

What is this obsession? answer? the obsession is of jonnys butt.

When did this obsession first start? i believe it was the first time i ever saw the Street Spirit video, just this year. the video is all black and white, slow-motion then real-time. but there was this one scene with jonny that... oh well... nevermind. later on i will explain

Why am i so amazed by his butt? well the answer is, i wish i was like him. i mean, Jonny has the perfect feminine figure any girl would like to have. he has HIPS!!! and Cheekbones!!! what a lucky bloke. well anyway, his butt is so cool. its not too big nor too small but it fits on rounded hips and isnt too flat. i dunno. just ask anybody. i love jonnys butt.

HOW CAN I GET A LOOK at Jonny's butt? easy. easily. real easy. just ask and your answer will call. click on the mini butt right here ---- and your wish will come true. well take a look anyway, even if you dont want to see jonnys butt. i like it

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last update 10 December 1998