for the musically inclined


[im the one in almost all the pics, you figure it out]
here are my bando friends again-- see me? the ugly one with long hair. okay- you want their numbers? too bad. they're taken...hmm

You should see Christie. This is christie... now this is her on a caffiene break... any difference? no!!!

OH NO !!!! here we are again. These are my BANDOS friends! who, you say? well, i can't tell you, it "wouldnt be prudent!"

this is natalie and me at farrells [ice cream] after a beach gathering. haha THAT is when i had long hair. i cut about 1 foot off.

Here we are at Chucky Cheese's. i am on the left, mary in the center, Vida on the right. then the guy who is half cut off is brian.

heres a pic of us before the BAND banquet. nice, eh?

Indianapolis March 1997. One Great time of my life :) from left to right: Donald, Joma, Natalie

Indianapolis hotel -- in the hallways David and Donald

link to me music links home pictures writing guestbook
last update 10 December 1998